Test na kalprotektyne
To szybki chromatograficzny test immunologiczny (test nieinwazyjny) do jakościowego wykrywania kalprotektyny w próbkach kału ludzkiego, który może być przydatny w diagnostyce zaburzeń zapalnych przewodu pokarmowego.
Produkt przeznaczony do użytku dla profesjonalistów.
Calprotectin test
This is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay (non-invasive test) for the qualitative detection of calprotectin in human stool samples, which can be useful in the diagnosis of inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
The product is designed for use by professionals.
- Rapid result in as little as 10 minutes.
- Specificity: 93%.
- Sensitivity: 94%.
- High product quality.
- Single pack.
- Designed for professional use.
Antibody detection Calprotectin calprotectin test specifications:
- The calprotectin test is designed to detect or exclude the cause of a patient’s health complaints.
- A precise diagnosis makes it possible to implement the most effective forms of therapy and thus shorten the time needed for the patient to be cured.
- The test is designed for screening and serves as an aid to diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease.
- Providing direct information about the site of inflammation.